A few words
about us

HEALTH ROUTE is a center of Psychotherapy, Holistic Therapies and Education found in Volos. We provide psychological support to individuals, couples, families and vulnerable social groups. We implement training actions for the educational community. We Conduct seminars as a certified Lifelong Learning Center. We offer psychosomatic support and holistic therapies. We promote the vocational and social integration of vulnerable or socially excluded groups. We conduct research for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of findings resulting from our actions.
HEALTH ROUTE invites you to a path of movement and balance.


Σεμινάριο Thai Foot Massage

Tο thai foot massage είναι η ταϋλανδέζικη παραδοσιακή μάλαξη του πέλματος. Εφαρμόζεται με αλοιφές, πετσέτες και ένα ξύλινο εργαλείο. Είναι μια πολύ χρήσιμη τεχνική που όχι μόνο χαλαρώνει τα [...]