Holistic Therapies
Meet your
inner therapist
Reflexology is an ancient natural holistic method. It has been used in China, Egypt and Greece (Hippocratic meridians). It is based on the existence of reflex points on the soles, the palms and other areas of the body that correspond to an organ or physical function. Systematic stimulation on these points though specialized pressures lead to the activation, relaxation and harmony of the organism. More info and research on the benefits of reflexology for every organ, physical function or condition at http://reflexology-imera.eu.
Dovros E. Ioannis is a certified reflexologist, teaching the practice at reflexology schools in Greece. His articles have been pub;ished by “Enarmonisis”. His paper on “Comparison between reflexology, Tuina and massage for hyper-marathon runners” was presented at Northern Greece Trainers’ Association Panhellenic Conference. He is an active member of the Greek Reflexologists Association.
Craniosacral therapy aims to assess and improve the function of the craniosacral system, which consists of three meninges and the cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Cranial therapy balances the cranial rhythm of the body, that is the rate at which cerebrospinal fluid moves from the brain to the spine. The movement of this fluid gives all the commands to the central nervous system to function, and its unimpeded flow is vital for good health. By feeling the cranial rhythm with hands and applying very gentle pressure, the rhythm can return to balance. The therapist uses a gentle touch that does not exceed the pressure of 5 grams, or the weight of a ten-minute coin, to release the blockage of the cranial system, in order to improve the function of the central nervous system. The American osteopathic physician John E. Upledger was the one who formulated and developed cranial therapy (CST) through a continuous research process that lasted from 1975 to 1983 at Michigan State University, where he worked as a clinical researcher and professor of Biokinetics. In 1983, he founded the Upledger Institute in Florida, the official bureau for the education and dissemination of craniosacral therapy in 110 countries around the world. Dovros E. Ioannis has been trained by the Upledger Institute in CST1 and CST2 and in the Physical Emotional Liberation SER1 and SER2.


Fascia (peritoneal tissue) is a type of connecting tissue that surrounds and overlaps all other tissues in the body, protecting, supporting, and separating organs, bones, blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. Let us imagine not a sum of tissues, but a single three-dimensional network of continuous tissue whose aspects include the rest of the tissues and structures. The fact that it connects the various parts of the body functionally, creating an uninterrupted network of physical communication, makes fascia extremely important, from a therapeutic point of view. Through special manipulations we mobilize the fascia, resolving acute or chronic pain, which often seem unexplained. Dovros E. Ioannis is specialized in Applied Kinesiology Basic Course 1,2,3, Applied Kinesiology Metabolic Assessment Level 1 and Applied Kinesiology Metabolic Assessment Level 2 from the International College of Applied Kinesiology.
Su Jok is a method developed by South Korean Professor Pr.Park Jae Woo over the past 35 years. Its name comes from the two words: Su (meaning hand) and Jok (meaning foot). It is based on the system of correspondence of the human body on the hands and feet. Stimulation of these points with magnets, color, seeds, light, etc. has beneficial effects on human energy. Su Jok also takes advantage of the beneficial effect of moxa, which can also be used as stand-alone support. By burning the plant atremisia vulgaris (moxa) we cause local and focused heat on the acupuncture points we have chosen and activate specific areas of the body that act as energy stores (kidney-waist / spleen-abdomen). The plant has been processed so that it can be used in various forms – powdered or in the shape of a cigar. It has been shown that with this process, heat penetrates deeper into the body, enhancing the function of our organs and immune system. Moxa is suitable for spreading the cold that has invaded the body, moving the energy where it has “stagnated” and to stop the pain of various causes such as cramps from premenstrual syndrome, muscle cramps, stomach cramps. Dovros E. Ioannis holds a Su Jok diploma from the Su Jok International Academy.
Using the method of guided visualization, participants explore elements of everyday life that cause stress or tension and then discover new ways to deal with them. During the group session, breathing exercises, relaxation exercises, and some basic techniques of facial massage with pressure on acupuncture points are taught. Verbal communication is not encouraged. Dovros E. Ioannis is a psychotherapist and animator of the “Non-Directive Intervention” method, certified by the NDI Institute.
Asian stretching techniques are a modern method of activation and simultaneous physical training. They include a variety of manipulations and technical manipulations from the East. Asian stretching techniques utilize a wide variety of stretches, mobilizations and fingerprints at special points on meridians. Their purpose is to offer the greatest possible release, relaxation and well-being by affecting the physical, mental and energy level. They ensure deep calm and relief from the tensions and chronic stress that are responsible for many psychosomatic problems and dysfunctions. Dovros E. Ioannis specialized in Asian massage from Natural Health Science.
Singing bowls are placed on the body with a special procedure, made of metal alloys, which vibrate with adjusted beats.
The body harmonizes with the vibrations of the singing bowls and enters a state of deep relaxation. Through this deep relaxation, the body’s self-healing forces are activated. On a physical level, sounds act through the sense of hearing and touch. Sounds can relax and reduce stress and thus support the body’s natural tendency to return to harmony. In addition, sounds stimulate the body and the brain through their vibrating stimuli. Dovros E. Ioannis specialized in Sound Massage from Natural Health Science institute.
Suction cups decongestion is an ancient Chinese practice in which suction cups clinges to the skin, after first reducing its internal pressure, so that the skin and superficial muscles are pulled and held in it. The suction of the skin by the suction cups stimulates the blood flow in the area, releases congestion and inflammation from the muscles and opens passages for the elimination of toxins. Suction cup decongestion is relatively safe but should not be used on rashes, people who bleed easily or those who have a high fever. Suction cups are used to treat pain, relieve injuries to the deeper tissues of the skin and muscles and connective tissues, and reduce swelling and “knots” in the muscles. This treatment has ancient roots. According to traditional Chinese medicine, suction cups “improve the flow of qi” (ie vital force) and help treat colds, bronchitis and even pneumonia. A modern review of 2015 studies, published in the scientific review PLOS One, with 75 randomized controlled trials of a total of 11,077 participants, concludes that “suction cup therapy could be an effective short-term treatment for chronic pain and pain-related symptoms. in the neck, or chronic pain in the lower back “.


Gua Sha is a technique developed in China. Through scraping (Gua) on the skin the therapist brings the stagnant energy (Sha) to the surface. Stagnant energy is considered responsible for microinflammation, and in turn chronic inflammation is responsible for many conditions associated with chronic pain. Rubbing the surface of the skin is believed to help mobilize this energy, reduce inflammation and promote healing. Gua Sha can be used on most parts of the body. In Gua Sha, the therapist scrapes the entire surface of the skin, clearing small or large paths to stimulate the microcirculation of connective tissue, which increases blood flow. The treatment is done by applying oil to the body and then with the tools of the Gua Sha.
After a personal interview, the therapist selects appropriate techniques and means that he will use to stimulate, disperse or relax the energy that is in imbalance in various parts of the body. Cloths, oils and powders are used specifically for this purpose. Hippocratic relaxation techniques are described in detail in Galen’s texts and are considered necessary to prevent and treat many symptoms.


Wellness techniques are invigorating methods of handshake, relaxation and activation used in both healthy individuals and patients. These are holistic techniques that Hippocrates has been using since 430 BC. Today there are many wellness techniques. The effectiveness of holistic wellness techniques is due to the fact that hand presses improve blood circulation to the muscles while at the same time helping to cleanse themselves of useless substances, thus allowing more nutrients to enter. They offer the feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation.
At regular intervals, daily routes are organized on various paths of Pelion. At the end of the route, selected breathing exercises and meridian stretching exercises are performed with the help of ZhiNeng Qigong. Dovros E. Ioannis is trained in ZhiNeng Qigong Level 1 and ZhiNeng Qigong Level 2.